Words can not express how happy I am that a HEMA store has opened in the UK. Not only that, but it's in Bromley which is easily accessible and that fills me with as much happiness as a room without a roof. Back in the day when I used to have summer trips to Holland, I used to love going into HEMA so much! It's a store that does literally everything and everything is always so pretty!

I decided beforehand that I would control myself and wouldn't go crazy when I got there. I had to have so much restraint!!!! I really did want everything. Their stationery is just so so nice and I wanted to buy it all! Thankfully I managed to not put everything in my basket, but I did still come out with quite a lot of things.

Are you just exploding with how pretty it is?! And it's all good value for money too. I got all these goodies and a couple of extra things for less than £20. It's unheard of really! I will definitely be going back after the next pay day...maybe even before!

Click here to see how I've used my new goodies to decorate my Filofax for this week! 

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