Hobonichi January

I've been having fun with painting in my Hobonichi, but I don't feel I have the time to really do what I want to do. For the moment, I'm testing out painting techniques and trying to get comfy. I like the outcome of some of these things and I'd like to share them with you.

This was my first and probably my favourite painting I did. It is a sunrise to show new beginnings- the New Year and my new journal! I followed a tutorial which I found on YouTube (here), but mine is nowhere near as good as theirs. I still love mine a lot!

Tulips are one of my favourite flowers, so I thought I'd give those a go. By this point, I'm amazed by how well the paper and watercolour paint goes together.

I think I did this page so that I could write a quote on there, but I haven't got to the quote bit yet!

Ohh this takes me back to days when I used to doodle all the time, particularly in lessons and lectures. There's something therapeutic about doing this. Again, this page and the following rainbow page are for quotes but I haven't got there yet either.

I was testing watercolour pencils here. The first few colours were an unknown brand and the later ones were Stabilo. There was a noticeable difference in quality. Just look at how awesome that blue looks.

Flowers! These were just very random and not much thought went into them, but I was very pleased with the outcome.

You guys have seen this page already but I wanted to show it to you with the added washi tape that is amaaaaazing! It came all the way from Japan and I love it so much!

Wild, a film with Reese Whetherspoon. It was really good. I loved it!

Ohhh dear. Hospital times. I think this page is the only full page where I've actually written about my day.

Daniel K Jackson is a witty man, who likes to make up profound sounding quotes. As his best friend, it's my duty to write them down.

Give me a Ben Howard song any day. This one is oh so relevant to today. I loved spending time sitting in front of the fire.

Another page for that elusive quote! I think I just like the colour transitions here.

This page here, I hold very dear to my heart. A friend of mine passed away over the weekend, by being drowned by the sea. I was quite emotional about it but I felt a bit better after I made this page. I miss him even though I didn't see him because he lived on the other side of the world. May he be granted a good place in Jannah (heaven) and may Allah make it easy on all his family and friends, and ease their hearts from all the pain. 

Lastly, my favourite washi tape. Here you can see the other space ones I have. Space is my favourite thing at the moment. I'm reading Chris Hadfield's An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth and I'm learning so many things that I never knew before. It's a very interesting read!

I hope that you enjoyed my journey through my journal so far. There's so many emotions we've been through already and it's an excellent outlet to get things down.


  1. Joey! Such amazing pages :D I'm sorry to hear about your friend xx

    Hope your sister is on the mend too xx

    1. Thank you Charlie! I'll update you in my next letter xx

  2. This is really pretty. I love your hobonichi journal pages. Im new to journalling and I will be getting a hobonichi soon.
