The Arrival of My Hobonich Techo 2015

I can't tell you how frustrated I was with UK customs. My package had been with them for a whole heap of time before they sent me the charges (which are stupidly expensive) and then they made me wait the whoooole day before delivering it. It came shortly before 9pm. Is that a time to deliver stuff? There was no warning or anything. They should pay me for the inconvenience. All the moaning out of the way, let's get onto the good stuff!

The package arrived in a yellow paper bag with Hobonichi logos and inside it was this lovely green box. I have no idea what this means but I assume it says something like "Welcome to your brand new awesome journal!"

Planner Covers: Recent Makes

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! These are some recent covers that I made. I love love this camera print one. These were orders that I received over the holiday period and I've just about caught up with them. 

Alice in Wonderland

I had been eagerly looking forward to this years stamp releases. I was beyond excited when I learnt that the years first release was Alice in Wonderland. There's no way you couldn't like Alice in Wonderland, it's such a classic.

I marked it up in my diary and headed to the post office on the morning of it's release. They are so much more beautiful in person. I bought a First Day Cover which needed to be posted to me so that it could get the official post mark, but I couldn't leave the post office without some of them in my hand so I bought a few extras too.

Aren't they beautiful. The stamps were designed by Grahame Baker-Smith, who illustrated them for the 150th anniversary of the book.

 The post mark is a wonderful thing to behold!

Here are the explanations of all the stamps. This information card comes with the First Day Cover.

I sent a letter to my friend Josie, who loves Alice in Wonderland more than anyone I know. If you head over to her blog, you can see what I sent her.

My Week 3/52

Something happened this week. My planner is never this girly! This week is sooo pink, it's unreal. I keep telling myself that I don't even like pink but I must do because the majority of my washi tape is pink. My room is pink. My bed is pink. I must love it!

A little inspirational quote!

I think this floral washi at the top of the page is my favourite. It just goes so well with lots of other tapes.

I don't know how I feel about Into the Woods. I think I have the same kind of feelings about it as I do about the colour pink! I liked it, but I'm not sure if I really did! How can this be? It made me laugh a lot and it had an excellent cast.

How awesome are these sticky notes which I bagged on sale from Accesorize. They are my new favourites so they're being used ALL the time!

New Pocket Dividers

Mollie Makes Stationery

I Love You But//Moonrise Kingdom

Moonrise Kingdom is one of my favourite movies. When I came across this paper, it made me think of the movie so I had to put my favourite quote to work.

Also, check out these awesome Moonrise Kingdom inspired handmade goodies.