Washi Wednesday: Washi Birthday Card

All you need to do this make is a blank card, some washi tape and a pen. I've 6 different ones for these but you could do it with any amount of washi you want!

You can use co-ordinating washi or whatever you like! Just have fun with it!

All you have to do is do strips of washi in varying lengths. You don't even need to cut them with scissors. I just folded the ends into the inside of the card. That way, you get a nice bit of decoration inside the card too and with minimal effort.

Now you need to take your pen and use it draw little flames on your candles. You can use whichever pen you like for this. Here I used a black fineliner and filled it in with a gold marker. 

There you have it, a simple yet fun handmade card! All that's left to do is write a nice birthday message!

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