Filofax Pretties: Free Printables

Hey guys,

Thanks for coming to download 2 months worth of free inserts! I hope that you enjoy them. Please feel free to give me feedback either here or on Instagram (@deadchivalry). If you use these, I'd love to see so please use the hashtag #sojoeyinserts so I can come have a look!

 Just click on the picture below to be taken to the Dropbox download. 

I've found that the best way to print these is to first cut your paper down to A5 size and then print the odd pages first and then put it back into your printer and print the even pages.

If you don't want to print the cover page then start with the even pages.

You can set your printer to manually print double sided. That way you can print all the pages and it will do it half and half on it's own. I know that printing can be problematic and even I print my own pages wrong. You will get it eventually and you're probably cleverer than I am, so you'll be able to work out where you went wrong much quicker than I do.

I've printed on 100gsm paper because it's a lovely, good quality paper and you can use almost any pen!

Please bear in mind that I'm no expert in what I'm doing, I just want to share my inserts with you because I know a lot of us are not fans of Filofax paper. If you see something wrong or have any criticisms (positive or negative) please do share! I won't hold it against you. I won't be able to learn if I don't know what's going on.

I'll be listing the full year in my Etsy store SoJoey so if you really like them, you can buy the rest there at a trial price. These will be up hopefully by the end of the week.

If you really really struggle with printing, comment here or send me an email ( and I'll see if we can work something out.

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