Recipe: Cumin and Paprika Oven Vegetables

If there's one thing I love, it's vegetables and seeing as I'm trying to get fit, I've been eating a lot more of them so I've been experimenting with spices and stuff. I've found that I really like cumin and I really like paprika so I mixed them together in this roasted vegetable dish and I love the result. This is now one of my favourite ways to have vegetables and I like it because you just chuck all the ingredients into the dish and stick it in the oven. My favourite kind of cooking is when I don't have to look after the food I'm cooking, I can just leave it to cook, knowing that it will be responsible and not do anything it's not supposed to.

So what you're going to want to do is get some veggies! I've gone for:
2 Courgettes (sliced)
2 Red Onions (wedged)
1 Butternut (sliced)
3 Sweet Potatoes (sliced)
Some Parsnips (I bought the frozen ones and just put about half of the bag in)

Then I added these spices to it:
1 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Black Pepper
2 tbsp Cumin
1 tbsp Paprika
1 tbsp Oil

Then give it a little pix in the Pyrex dish!

Finally, put it in the oven for about 30-35 minutes. When the butternut and parsnips are soft then it's ready because they usually take the longest.

When it's done all the veggies will be nice and soft and will be coated in lovely spices!

This evening I served mine with Salt and Pepper Chicken Breast and Tomato Spaghetti and it was delicioso! A nice healthy, and yummy way to get the veggies!

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