Book Review: The Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare

In the space of about 10 days, I've read all three books in The Infernal Devices Trilogy. The simplest reason is that, I was drawn into the story and couldn't get out until I had finished it. The Infernal Devices tells the story of a world well known to us, but filled with all sorts of supernatural beings as well as humans, who are referred to as 'mundanes'. It is a book set in Victorian England, which just adds to the mysticality of it all because we're imaging a time we weren't there for. Clare describes places and people so well, you're left with a movie in your head and you feel like you know the characters personally and you feel what they feel.

I can't find the words that would accurately tell you about this book. It's about Shadowhunters and Downworlders, it's about love, and sacrifice and about ties that bind that are more important than anything in the world. It's a literary beautiful piece of work that draws upon a lot of other literature and makes books important.

I personally think you should just read it, you should fall in love with the characters on your own. You can gasp and cry and laugh without me telling you what happens. It's not just about love, there's a war happening and we all know good stories come from love and war.

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