Philatelic Stamps: October Faves

The Royal Mail stamps for this week have been so beautiful. Featuring UK beaches and piers, they've been the perfect end to a really good summer. I was so lucky with stamps on my last trip to the post office. Usually they've run out of the picture stamps by the time I go. This time I managed to get my hands on a few different ones. Here are the ones I'm sending out this week. Aren't they lovely? 

Here are some incoming from China. I always love the Chines Stamps and postmarks.

These ones from The Netherlands have captured my heart so much. Nelson Mandela stamps! I will treasure these forever!

These ones are from Canada. I love that Canadian stamps feature the Royal Family a lot of the time. I especially love the stamp of Will and Kate and baby George!

Even though this is a label and not a stamp, they've made an effort in Singapore to still make it look pretty. I am down with this. If our British ones were smaller and had pretty designs on them, I wouldn't dislike them so much.

This last mail is an amazing happy mail that I received! Look out for the next post in which I show you the contents of the letter. You'll want to see it!

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