I Feel The Need

I don't know why I feel the need to create another blog, but I do. I think I do it in the hopes that it will look as cool and as pretty as all the lovely blogs I've seen. I need to accumulate all my thoughts on music and books and I need to show it all to you. I probably don't need to, but I want to. I want to show you the things I've made and the photos I've taken. This is a blog all about the things I like and the things I like doing.

You should know that I like to create things and to think that I'm good at most of them. I'm most confident in embroidering, rather okay at cross-stitching, a bit meh in drawing, and slooooowly getting there with crochet. While I like photography, I honestly just point my fancy DSLR, shoot and hope for the best. If it doesn't look right, I just fiddle with it a bit and try again until I find a photo that passes for an alright one. I do like baking (when it's not my turn to do the dishes) and I make yummy cakes. Cupcakes are my speciality and they look pretty awesome if I do say so myself. At one point I thought I could have a cupcake company, but I'm not ready for cupcakes on a big scale yet. Soon soon.

So that's all the things you have to look forward to! Also, I hope to improve my interwebbing design skills. I will have an awesome blog one day!!

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